How the Codes of Karate relate to the War in Iraq Goju-ryu Gokui secret; the Secret Principles

by: A.J. Advincula

Tatsuo Shimabuku's Kenpo Gokui is placed in the standard sequence

(TS) Kenpo Gokui: Code of karate, Tatsuo Shimabuku
(HM) Code of Karate Harold Mitchum
(YO) Kenpos Ultimate stage of mind, Mr. Yokose
(NL) Secret principles of kenpo Nugyen Long
(ATC) A Pithy Formula For Chinese Boxing, Asian Translation Center
(GF) Eight Important Phases of Karate, Gichin Funakoshi
(DK) Boxing Method in Depth, Doug Koschel
(PM) The Eight Precepts of Kempo: Pat McCarthy 1990
(PM) The Eight Precepts of Quanfa: Pat McCarthy 1995
(A&P) The Eight Pomes of The Fist: G.Alexander & K.Penland
(MY) Kempo Hakku - Eight Poems of the Fist , Yagi Meitoku
(ES) Kempo Hakku - Eight Poems of the Fist, Meitoku Yagi (Estrada, Yagi)


A person's heart is the same as Heaven and Earth.

In Chinese thought Heaven and Earth is the Universe or the world.
In Chinese thought Heart and mind are the same.
So Tatsuo said, we must be one with our fellow human beings, or get
along with each other.

(1) Heart/Mind as one with the Universe
1.JIN SHIN WA TENCHI NI ONAJI. - The mind is one with heaven and earth.
(TS) I. A person's heart is the same as Heaven and Earth.
(HS) 1. The person’s heart is same as heaven and earth.
(HM) 1. The person’s heart is the same as heaven and earth
(Yo) 1. A persons mind is the same as heaven and earth.
(NL) 1. Human heart returns heaven earth.
ATC 1. Human being is just like the universe.
(GF) 1. The mind is the same with heaven and earth. Funakoshi
(DK) 1. Human heart is like that of space and earth. (Continue to 2)
(PM) 1. The human mind is one with heaven and earth. 1990
(PM) 1.The human mind is one with heaven and earth. 1995
(A&P) 1.Man and his mind are like heaven and earth.
(MY) 1. The mind is the same with heaven and earth.
(ES) 1. The mind is one with heaven and earth. (Estrada, Yagi)

The Blood Circulating is Similar to the sun or moon (Solar System)Sun and moon in Chinese thought

(2)The Blood Circulating is Similar to the Solar System
2.KETSUMYAKU WA NICHIGETSU NI NITARI. - The circulatory rhythm of the body is similar to the cycle of the sun and the moon.
(TS) 2. The blood circulating is similar to the moon and sun. (Sanchin for health)
(HS) 2. The blood circulating is almost same as the moon and sun.
(HM) 2. The blood and pulsation is almost the same as the moon and sun.
(Yo) 2. The blood circulation is similar to the sun and moon.
(NL) 2. Blood circulation as sun moon. (Cultivate Chi power daily)
ATC 2. Arteries and veins simulate the sun and moon.
(GF) 2. The circulatory rhythm of the body is similar to the sun and moon.
(DK) 2. and the blood like that of the sun and the moon. (1 & 2 together)
(PM) 2. The circulatory rhythm of the anatomy is systematically similar to the cycle of the sun and moon. 1960
(PM) 2. Our blood circulation parallels the solar and lunar cycles of each day.1995
(A&P) 2. The blood and the veins (rhythm of the circulatory system of the body) are like the cycle of the sun and the moon.
(MY) 2. The circulatory rhythm of the body is similar to the sun and the moon.
(ES) 2. The circulatory rhythm of the body is similar to the cycle of the sun and the moon. (Estrada, Yagi)

3.HO WA GOJU WO TONDO SU. - The way of inhaling and exhaling is both hardness and softness.
(TS) 3. The manner of drinking and spitting is either hard or soft.
(HS) 3. The manner of drinking and spitting is either hard or soft.(HS)
(HM) 3. The manner of drinking and spitting is either hard or soft.
(Yo) 3. The method of inhaling and exhaling is hard and soft.
(NL) 3. Fist way fundamental (Basics) must fully understand.
(ATC) 3. Principle lies in firmness and gentleness, inhaling and exhaling.
(GF) 3. The law includes hardness and softness. Funakoshi
(DK) 3. Rigid hardness can stand bending and remain flexible. (continue to 4)
(PM) 3. Inhaling represents softness while exhaling characterizes hardness.1990
(PM) 3. Inhaling represents softness while exhaling characterizes hardness.1995
(A&P)3. The law of the breath is hard (Go) and soft (Ju), in and out.
(MY) 3. The Law includes hardness and softness, everything is breathing hard (go) and soft (ju), in and out.
(ES) 3. Techniques will occur in the absence of conscious thought. (Estrada, Yagi)

(4) Adapting to Change
4.MI WA TOKI NI SHITAGAI HEN NI OZU. - Act in accordance with time and change.
(TS) 5. The body should be able to change directions at any time.
(HS) 5. The body should be able to change motion at any time.
(HM) 5. The body should be able to change motion at any time.
(Yo) 5. The body should be able to change direction in accordance with the circumstances (or situations).
(NL) 5. Response change as time required.
(ATC) 5.Body movements should be flexible to changing conditions.
(GF) 4. Act in accordance with time and change. Funakoshi
(DK) 4. Stepping in and out of situations. (continue to 4)
(PM) 4. Adapt to changing conditions. 1990
(PM) 4. Adapt to changing conditions. 1995
(A&P) 4. Your body must harmonize according to each situation
(MY) 4. Act in accordance with time and change.
(ES) 4. The feet must advance and retreat, separate and meet.
(Estrada, Yagi)

(5)Attack when an Opening Occurs
5.TE WA KU NI AI SUNAWACHI HAIRU. - Techniques will occur in the absence of conscious thought.
(TS) 6. The time to strike is when opportunity presents itself.
(HS) 6. Action to hit is when the opportunity presents itself.
(HM) 6. Action to hit is when the opportunity presents itself.
(Yo) 6. To strike it must be done in a fraction of a second.
(NL) 6. Hands (guards) open empty, then move in (attack).
(ATC) 6. Attack whenever there is a flaw.
(GF) 5. Techniques will occur when a void is found. Funakoshi
(DK) 5. Techniques will occur when a void is found. (Countinue to 6)
(PM) 5. Techniques must come from an empty state of mind with the absence of conscious thought. 1990
(PM) 5. Response must result without conscious thought.1995
(A&P) 5. When your hands meet, you must enter Ku (Emptiness.) Technique will occur in the absence of conscious thought.
(MY) 5. Techniques will occur when a void is found.
(ES) 5. Techniques will occur in the absence of conscious thought.
(Estrada, Yagi)

(6)Balance is needed for both advancing and retreating
6.SHINTAI WA HAKARITE RIHO SU. - The feet must advance and retreat, separate and meet.
(TS) 4. A person's unbalance is the same as a weight. (Be flexible and nibble)
(HS) 4. The persons unbalance is the same as a weight.
(HM) 4. A person’s unbalance is the same as a weight.
(Yo) 4. Come closer and separate apart, must be done very fast.
(NL) 4. Horse stance in (forward) either leave stay.
(ATC) 4. Approaches adhere to forwarding and back warding, dispersing and combining.
(GF) 6. The Ma requires advancing and retreating, separate and meeting. Funakoshi
(DK) 6. To be able meet the dangerous challenges, the hand will stabilize and cover the unattended circumstances.
(PM) 6. Combative engagement distance and posture dictates the meeting. 1990
(PM) 6. Distancing and posture dictates the outcome of the meeting. 1995
(A&P) 6. Advance and retreat with the proper distance (maai) when the opportunity presents itself
(MY) 6. The MA (when the opportunity presents itself) requires advancing and retreating, separating and meeting.
(ES) 6. The feet must advance and retreat, separate and meet. (Estrada, Yagi)

(7)The Eyes see All
7.ME WA SHIHO WO MIRU WO YOSU. - The eyes do not miss even the slightest change.
(TS) 7. The eye must see all sides. (7&8 together)
(HS) 7. The eye must see every way.
(HM) 7. The eye must see every way.
(Yo) 7. The eyes must see four directions (all sides).
(NL) 7. Eyes must pay attention four corners.
(ATC) 7. Watch all dimensions with the sense of seeing.
(GF) 7. The eyes do not miss even the slightest change: Funakoshi
(DK) 7. The eyes should see the four sides. (continue to 8)
(PM) 7. See the unseeable. 1990
(PM) 7. See what is unseeable. 1995
(A&P) 7. The eyes must watch all four directions
(MY) 7. The eyes do not miss even the slightest change so watch all four directions (left, right, up and down).
(ES) 7. The eyes do not miss even the slightest change.

(8)The Ears Hear All
8.MIMI WA YOKU HAPPO WO KIKU. - The ears listen well in all directions.
(TS) 8. The ear must listen in all directions.
(HS) 8. The ear must listen in all directions.
(HM) 8. The ear must listen in all directions.
(Yo) 8. The ears must listen to eight directions.
(NL) 8. The ears listen to eight directions.
(ATC) 8. Listen to different directions all the time.
(GF) 8. The ears listen well in all direction. Funakoshi
(DK) 8. The ears should detect eight directions.
(PM) 8. Listen for the unhearable. 1990
(PM) 8. Expect what is unexpected. 1995
(A&P) 8. The ears must listen in all eight directions
(MY) 8. The ears listen well in all directions (left, right, up, down, forward, behind, left angles and right angles).
(ES) 8. The ears listen well in all directions. (Estrada, Yagi)

1. The mind is one with heaven and earth.
2. The circulatory rhythm of the body is similar to the cycle of the sun and the moon.
3. The way of inhaling and exhaling is hardness and softness.
4. Act in accordance with time and change.
5. Techniques will occur in the absence of conscious thought.
6. The feet must advance and retreat, separate and meet.
7. The eyes do not miss even the slightest change.
8. The ears listen well in all directions.

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