Issinryu Karate & Kubudo Basics • Escrima • Non-Martial Arts Personal InstructionISSHINRYU & ESCRIMA SEMINARS BY AJA
Times required depends on the level of the participants. For example; as a rule, new students should be taught history and traditions along with body mechanics. They would only do the basics while higher level karateka would do up to their level of kata and bunkai. Time required for kata and bunkai (analysis or interpretation of techniques in the kata) depends on the level of the participants and how much depth on the subject you want. What you do is pick the course of instruction. It can be all Isshin-ryu, or parts of others. Isshin-ryu, Kobudo, Hindiandi or other. –Sensei AJA
1. History & traditions
2. Basic exercises lower
3. Basic exercises upper
4. Kotekitai (forearm conditioning exercises)
5. Stances (the purpose and use)
6. Posture
7. Kamae or fighting postures and guards
8. Body mechanics (kimi, kiai, chinkuchi)
9. Vital points and targets
10. Distance (Ma), and how to cover space
11. Ippon kumite drills using basics
12. Sanbon kumite drills using basics
13. Self-defense techniques of Tatsuo Shimabuku
14. Bo basics, striking, thrusting,blocking
15. Bo basics w/bo partner (attacking, blocking, countering)
16. Bo -Tatsuo's two point drill with bo partner
17. Sai basics -striking,thrusting, blocking,
18. Sai basics w/bo partner, attacking, blocking, countering
19. Sai-Tatsuo's blocking drill with bo partner
20. Sai throwing-must be outdoors-need targets
21. Tuifa basics, striking, thrusting,blocking
22. Tuifa basics w/bo partner,attacking,blocking,conter
23. Tuifa-Tatsuo's blocking drill with bo partner
24. Question and answer period
KATA: Demonstrate the kata and each person practices. If I have to check each person and correct them, naturally it will take more time. This is good for small seminars.
BUNKAI: Demonstrate and show Tatsuo,s basic interpretation of the techniques and everyone should practice them with a partner.
PATTERN: Each kata has a pattern and everyone should know how to make their own. I will show them how and how to start and stop at the same place.
DRILLS: for 1 or 2 persons. Show how to practice with or without a partner.
More or less time may be allotted to any subjects. It depends on the level of expertise of the attending participants.
> Tokumine no kon • Urashi bo • Shishi no kon
> Kyan no sai • Chatan Yara no sai • Kusanku sai • Hamahiga no tuifa
Hindiandi techniques
Hindiandi kata Bogushin
Bogushin bunkai
Bogushin 2 person drills
Throws (must have mats indoors,grass outdoors)
Rifle bayonet
Improvised weapons
Military use of knife
Military sentry taking w/knife
Military sentry taking w/other than knife
Chuden Kata (Dojo kata Shorin-ryu)
Uechi-Ryu Sanchin
Katagwa l KATA (Advincula's kata)
Katagwa ll KATA (Advincula's kata)
Kusanku kama (Advincula's kata)
Tokushin no tekko (Tokumura's kata)
Tokushin no eku (Tokumura's eku)
Intro Nunchaku
RYU KON KAI KOBUDO: Bo & Eku of Iha Kotaro
Shushi no kun
Shushi no kun bunkai
Choun no kun
Choun no kun bunkai
Sakukawa no kun
Sakukawa kun bunkai
Chiken (Tsuken) no eku
Chiken (Tsuken) no eku bunkai
Escrima history,Type of knives; targets, vital points
Escrima basics single stick
Two person drills single stick
Solo bag drills (must have heavy bag)
Escrima basics sword and dagger
Two person drills sword and dagger
Escrima basics double swords
Escrima 2 person drills double swords
Escrima bag drills (must have heavy bag)
Escrima individual double sword pattern drill
Advincula's escrima kata (Ascension)
Ascensions interpretation w/partner
Knife fighting history & traditions
Knife 2 person drill, reverse ice-pick grip
Knife 2 person drill, reverse pull slash grip
Knife 2 person drill, reverse slashing grip
Knife 2 person drill, hammer grip
Knife 2 person drill, fencers grip
Knife 2 person drill, AJ'S grip
Knife disarms, 2 person drills
Personal defense Intro
Personal defense hand techniques
Personal defense kicking, kneeing,stomping
Personal defense ground techniques
Personal defense escape techniques
Personal defense review